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Chauvin Arnoux, sponsor of SwissSkills 2018

A successful sponsoring initiative! The Swiss electrician-installer Daniel Gerber earned the highest score among more than 500 participants and won the title "Best in Europe". He was using a C.A 6117 installation tester.

At SwissSkills 2018 in Budapest, the 900 best young European professionals in apprenticeships competed against each other in a series of tests organized around 135 different professions. At this 2nd edition of the trade championships, the 8-strong Swiss delegation won no fewer than 4 gold medals and 2 bronze medals.
Also, for the first time, a Swiss entrant won the title of "Best in Europe" in the EuroSkills competition. Electrician-installer Daniel Gerber earned the highest score among more than 500 participants and was awarded the title "Best in Europe".  His score: 796/800! And he was using a C.A 6117 installation tester. A successful sponsoring operation for CHAUVIN ARNOUX!